Our Services

Neuropsychological Evaluation
A neuropsychological evaluation:
- is a comprehensive assessment of cognitive and behavioral functions using a set of standardized tests and procedures
- is useful for tracking progress in rehabilitation after brain injury or other neurological diseases
- can assist in planning educational and vocational programs and may also be invaluable for disability determination for legal purposes
Various mental functions assessed include, but are not limited to:
- Cognitive Function
- Problem solving and conceptualization
- Planning and organization
- Attention, memory and learning
- Language
- Academic skills
- Perceptual and motor skills
- Social skills
- Emotions, behavior and personality
Neuropsychological evaluations are usually completed within two to six hours of direct patient contact. They are tailored to the individual needs and unique difficulties of each patient. Components of a neuropsychological evaluation include:
- A review of the patient’s medical, developmental, educational and psychosocial history
- Clinical interview with the patient and/or family/parents
- Evaluation of specific domains of cognitive, behavioral and affective functioning
- Analysis and integration of clinical findings
- Report preparation with recommendations for treatment and/or management
When the evaluation is completed, the results are reviewed with the patient, family, and/or the rehabilitation team involved with the patient.

At LifeDimensions our neuropsychologists provide services for individuals with neuropsychological needs, ages two through adulthood.
Who may benefit from a neuropsychological evaluation?
Patients affected by the following conditions may benefit from a neuropsychological/behavioral consultation or evaluation:
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Stroke, Anoxia and other acquired neurological illnesses
- Degenerative neurological diseases Dementia Mild cognitive impairment
- Learning Disabilities
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Cognitive Dysfunction
- Neurological Dysfunction
- Executive Dysfunction
- Attention Deficits
- Academic Problems (reading, writing, mathematics)
- Developmental Disorders
- Hyperactivity or other behavioral problems

Neurobehavioral Consultation
Behavioral concerns often accompany neurological disorders. Neuropsychologists assist the patient, family, caregivers and rehabilitation/medical specialists in developing skills to cope with and manage identified problems. Behavioral consultation can serve many functions, which include the following:
- Specify and explain problems to be solved
- Identify medical, neuropsychological, behavioral and environmental factors that may contribute to the problem
- Develop short-term and long-term intervention plans that respond to the patient’s identified problems
- Supervise the implementation of the treatment strategy
- Assess the effectiveness of the intervention
Patient and Family Consultation/Education
LifeDimensions Neuropsychological staff is available to educate patients, families and their community service providers concerning neuropsychological syndromes that apply to the patient. We can provide recommendations for remediation management and/or compensatory strategies.